My Blog

Sssshhhh! It's time to be quiet

Sssshhhh! It's time to be quiet

Published on: 27/05/2018

We fill our periods of silence with meaningless chatter because sometimes the Ego is uncomfortable with processing thoughts. Can you bring some quiet into your day to benefit your physical and mental health?

Teaching YogaPhilosophy and Lifestyle
Can your cup of tea have the same benefits as a meditation practice?

Can your cup of tea have the same benefits as a meditation practice?

Can your cup of tea have the same benefits as a meditation practice?By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 27/04/2018

“Wherever you are, be all there” Jim Elliot Let me show you how a simple cup of tea can help you reset and reboot your busy mind and hectic day.

Teaching YogaPhilosophy and Lifestyle
5 of my teaching bloopers that will make you laugh

5 of my teaching bloopers that will make you laugh

5 of my teaching bloopers that will make you laughBy: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 25/04/2018

I have been to some very serious yoga classes. And I’ve loved them. The mat really is a place where you can delve into yourself to ‘sort out’ your thoughts and feelings and the mind chatter.

Teaching YogaPersonal
Sthira Sukhamasanam (st-heera sook-ham-ahs-an-um)

Sthira Sukhamasanam (st-heera sook-ham-ahs-an-um)

Sthira Sukhamasanam (st-heera sook-ham-ahs-an-um)By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 23/01/2018

Yoga, of course, is all about twisting, pulling, bending and stretching and you absolutely must feel like your body has had a workout afterwards. Urrmmm, NO. Let's be comfortable on the mat, folks, the ancient Sages told us so.

Teaching YogaPhilosophy and Lifestyle