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Sssshhhh! It's time to be quiet

May 27, 20182 min read

How do you feel about silence? Are you comfortable with it or do you feel the need to fill it with small talk?

Until I thought about it, I'd never really thought about it. But we do. We chatter and say things that aren't important rather than sit with silence. Times like when we're in the hairdressers, or in a taxi or waiting with someone we don't know very well. How about when you're on your own? We sometimes fill it with the radio. Or we talk to our pet. Or ourselves. But how often do we let things be without filling it up?

One of the things I notice is that when I'm truly comfortable with another person; a spouse, a sibling, a friend, those times are the measure of how comfortable I am with that other person and so I notice that when I'm in my own company as well.

Of course, we are sociable creatures - that is our nature, but how comfortable are you with your own company? Taking time to reflect, think, concentrate, even meditate.

When we're quiet, we can hear our thoughts a bit clearer, maybe even still or slow down our busy brains. And this is only going to be a good thing for reducing stress, improving our cardiovascular and immune health, our self esteem and generally just feeling happier!

Beginning in June, I am starting up a Quiet Club in Hucknall, Nottingham for a period of stillness and calm in your busy life. You don't need to have any knowledge or experience of yoga or meditation, you can just come along and find a comfortable seat and be quiet and still with like-minded people.

(If you are already coming along to my new yoga course, drop me an email and I'll send you discount code which will give you a 20% discount, because who doesn't love a discount?)

But worry not, if you're not close by enough to come along to my Quiet Club, you can still find some time for a quiet few minutes in your day. If you take this practise each day, I am certain you will quickly reap valuable rewards for yourself. Drop me a line and tell me about it, I'd love to know!

Edit The June date is proving super popular and spaces have almost all been filled but there are still spaces on the July date - hope you get one!

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