Lee-ann walking down a dirt path in a field.

The sun sets on the All You Yoga studio in Hucknall

March 01, 20224 min read

"The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of other things.

Of shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings."

- Lewis Carrol

If you receive my email newsletters, you might have seen my recent communication about sunsets. 

They’re a reminder that things end and then they wake up beautifully the next day into newness.


A sunset is what I’m experiencing right now. 

The day has been beautiful and I have extreme gratitude yet now, it is time.

I must close my lovely yoga studio in Hucknall

Those who have been with me from Day 1

- thank you, I love you, I’m grateful for you -

will know that my classes have evolved and developed greatly and they continue to do so.


With the advent of this awful pandemic, there have been a great many changes in the way people want to experience their yoga and so my regular classes will continue online and I will offer in-person events in an ad-hoc style where teaching venues become available.


I am also soon moving away from Hucknall.

A combination of these factors means it’s just not viable for me to keep the studio.

What does this mean for your in-person yoga practice?
I’m still here! Until the week beginning 28th March 2022, at least.

So if you want to get in as many classes with me as poss, now’s your chance to book them. You can click these links to buy a package of classes at a cheaper rate - but they must all be used before the studio closes, they won’t rollover.

3 classes for £30


I have one more workshop planned for 12th March '22

see here for details of "Bloody Women" 

and one more Women's Circle on 30th March '22

What does this mean for online classes or your virtual studio access to Elevate?

Nothing - there will be no changes. In fact, I will soon be offering a much wider schedule of classes and I’d love for you to be there. Click here to see the current schedule.



Have you been thinking of joining my membership?

Now’s a great time to do that!

For less than £6.50 per week, you will have free access to my weekly online classes and will still have access to a generous discount off the cost of any in-person workshops, classes, and events.

Members also have instant, anytime access to my vast library of recorded online classes, meditations, chanting practices and relaxations as well as downloadable well-being resources and a private Facebook community group.

You can find more information here.


What does this mean for the studio?

The Hucknall community has hugely benefited from the classes and events that have been hosted from the studio and I would love for it to remain so.

I am hoping that another yoga or wellbeing teacher will step in and continue using the space as a yoga studio but this is outside of my hands - but I will keep you posted 

💚 💚 💚


It is my intention to document the journey of the studio with a page on my website, I will send you a link when it is ready to view. If you have any comments or fond memories of the studio that you'd like to share, please email me and I'll include them 🙏🏼


It is also my intention to host a farewell, so I will keep you posted on the details.

Those who know me, even a little bit, will appreciate how emotionally invested I have been at my yoga studio and in your emotional, physical, and spiritual growth. Community means the world to me, so you can be sure there will be (more) tears shed.

However, I feel really good about this decision because there really does come a time when staying in your comfort zone becomes un-comfortable because it denies your growth and opportunity.

And I'm here for the growth, baby.

Maybe you'll join me?

I hope so.

Because it's been as much of a joy for me to have been part of your yoga journey as it has for you to have been part of mine

I hope to see you soon in the Zoom Room,

All my love,

Lee-ann x

EDIT - Rumour has it I'm back at the front of the yoga room, just not in Hucknall.... Watch this space for a new blog coming soon, but check out my classes here... (18Jul24)

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Lee-ann delivers nurturing, creative, and vibrant yoga lessons, hosts an award-winning blog, and an active online yoga and wellness studio membership. She is passionate about holistic physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann delivers nurturing, creative, and vibrant yoga lessons, hosts an award-winning blog, and an active online yoga and wellness studio membership. She is passionate about holistic physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

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