Humm - Hucknall makes music

HuMM Music to Celebrate and Benefit the Community

June 08, 20182 min read

Before and after my yoga classes, I chat with my students and I'm always so fascinated to find out about their lives, their passions or hobbies, their families and loved ones and what they do for a living. An amazing discovery I made last year was how many people have musical talents and passions.

Sincerely, I'm wondering if there is a connection with being drawn to the yogic way of life and having musical interest, ability or talent. Is it to do with the creative ares of the brain or something?

Perhaps if there are any neurological experts reading right now, we can talk? Seriously, let's talk; I am so interested!

I am lucky enough to have a personal friendship with a very wonderful and brilliant violinist, pianist, singer and general all-round specimen of musical loveliness who is instrumental (couldn't resist the pun, #sorrynotsorry) in the Torkard Ensemble , a community music organisation who are committed and passionate about bringing music to the local area through their orchestral and choral performances, individual teachings and their work with young people within their Torkard Academy initiative. These guys work tirelessly to organise concerts where young members of the community get to showcase all their hard work and practise in regular performances.

Check these guys out, out if you are nearby!

Anyhoo, quite a few of these musical Torkard superstars come along to my yoga classes in Nottingham to help improve their physical fitness, aid with relaxation, to improve posture and relieve common ailments that undoubtably come along side everyday life, and I'm so pleased they do! These guys are the epitome of commitment, passion and community. And if that's not devotional love in the Bhakti yoga sense, I don't know what is.

These wonderful folk have put together a festival of music, performed by over 100 local musicians in local venues to celebrate musical performance in all its different genres to support local charities such as Hope Lea Project, Under One Roof Community Resource Centre, Sharewear Clothing Scheme and one very close to the town's heart, The Byron Community Project.

I am thrilled to be involved and to host an evening of Mantra yoga at The Station Hotel to help support these wonderful causes because I am all about supporting local community!

If you have read my previous blog post on chanting or if you have ever taken part in any group chanting or singing, you'll know that it can be quite powerful form of yoga providing a different type of stress-relief. You don't even need to be able to sing. You will use your voice to make a collective vibration of sound and energy; it's such a wonderful feeling.

Let me know if you want to come along or share this information with someone else who might want to check out the Hucknall Makes Music events - there are honestly SO many to choose from!

Lee-ann delivers nurturing, creative, and vibrant yoga lessons, hosts an award-winning blog, and an active online yoga and wellness studio membership. She is passionate about holistic physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann delivers nurturing, creative, and vibrant yoga lessons, hosts an award-winning blog, and an active online yoga and wellness studio membership. She is passionate about holistic physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

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