Hands making a heart shape infront of the sunset

Happy Valentines Day, Yogis!

March 14, 20162 min read


Religious associations aside, St Valentine's Day is really nice opportunity to stop and


I like to make a fuss on Valentine's Day. Usually, I am the marketing folk's dream. I dress the table, I buy balloons, I write cards for my husband and children telling them I love them, I buy heart-shaped chocolates. My husband and I buy each other gifts, we have a special meal. But this year it feels different. Having a much more mindful approach to my life means I've been appreciating things in a very different way, every day. My sons and I have been noticing the different colours in the sky, the shape of the clouds. Things feel richer and things have a greater depth.

This year, my husband and I had already decided we don't need a special day to show each other how we feel; he said it felt quite refreshing to be freed from the heart-shaped trap set by the card shops and chocolate sellers. However, on noticing some beautiful flowers in the supermarket, he decided that although we don't need to feel an obligation for showy displays, he wanted to buy me flowers to tell me he appreciated me. A non-Valentine's bouquet, if you will. The flowers were very beautiful but it was his consideration that made me so happy. It makes me feel very blessed that this wonderful soul spends time thinking about me.

This Valentine's Day morning, I up-cycled some Christmas wrapping paper to fashion some heart-shaped placemats and we ate our normal breakfast with the 'Love Actually' film version of "Love is all You Need" playing in the background and we each took turns to say something that we loved about each other. It felt very special but commonplace, 'everyday' and normal at the same time. Isn't that as it should be?

It is lovely to see the shops decked out in the red and pink heart-shaped paraphernalia and goodness know what else, it is good for businesses and the economy but when it all actually boils down to it, it feels quite lovely to dedicate special time to appreciate the special people in your life.

Heck, why limit it to people - do you have a cat who is your best buddy?

A little goldfish who blows you kisses every time you pass the tank?

A dog whose wagging tail cheers your heart? (This is my beautiful Fur-face, Lola cuddling one of her favourite toys 💕)   Your time is the most precious gift you can give to someone because it cannot be bought, it cannot be returned or taken back; spend it wisely and the rewards are so bountiful.


Spanish Water Dog Lola cuddling her toy

Lee-ann delivers nurturing, creative, and vibrant yoga lessons, hosts an award-winning blog, and an active online yoga and wellness studio membership. She is passionate about holistic physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Lee-ann Cordingley

Lee-ann delivers nurturing, creative, and vibrant yoga lessons, hosts an award-winning blog, and an active online yoga and wellness studio membership. She is passionate about holistic physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

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