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Brahmacharya - do you really need that?

Brahmacharya - do you really need that?

Brahmacharya - do you really need that?By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 17/04/2018

The fourth of the five Yamas is about our inclination to look outside of ourselves for happiness. Realising with our true self, honouring our environment and being brave enough to be honest with ourselves.

Philosophy and Lifestyle
So, you thought it was just stretching?

So, you thought it was just stretching?

So, you thought it was just stretching?By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 09/04/2018

Allow me to introduce the Eight Limbs of Yoga and you might be surprised to learn that there's more than just rocking up to a yoga class in the latest yoga togs and doing some stretches to some calming music with twinkly lights. Wait? There's MORE?!

Teaching YogaPhilosophy and Lifestyle