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Are you in "The Zone"? Save yourself, get out!

Are you in "The Zone"? Save yourself, get out!

Are you in "The Zone"? Save yourself, get out!By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 16/04/2018

Sthira Sukhamasanam, as per the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, ‘a pose of comfort and ease’. Don't get me wrong, I believe comfort is a lovely thing, but Comfort Zone? They say life begins just outside of this place, it keeps us on the edge of our seat and appreciating things in a different kind of way.

Philosophy and Lifestyle
How about we take life a little less seriously?

How about we take life a little less seriously?

How about we take life a little less seriously?By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 27/01/2018

Ego: Oh no, I can't post that photograph, I look hideous Me: Shut up, Ego.

PersonalPhilosophy and Lifestyle
Sthira Sukhamasanam (st-heera sook-ham-ahs-an-um)

Sthira Sukhamasanam (st-heera sook-ham-ahs-an-um)

Sthira Sukhamasanam (st-heera sook-ham-ahs-an-um)By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 23/01/2018

Yoga, of course, is all about twisting, pulling, bending and stretching and you absolutely must feel like your body has had a workout afterwards. Urrmmm, NO. Let's be comfortable on the mat, folks, the ancient Sages told us so.

Teaching YogaPhilosophy and Lifestyle