My Blog

Ladies & Gentlemen, allow me to reveal four ways The Greatest Showman can vastly improve your yoga and your life

Ladies & Gentlemen, allow me to reveal four ways The Greatest Showman can vastly improve your yoga and your life

Ladies & Gentlemen, allow me to reveal four ways The Greatest Showman can vastly improve your yoga and your lifeBy: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 25/07/2018

Ok, so there may be spoilers, but since the first day I listened to the soundtrack of this film, I have felt compelled to share lots of ways I found that can help people live their best life.

Philosophy and Lifestyle
Living my Tapas

Living my Tapas

Living my TapasBy: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 02/06/2018

Well, where do I start on living my tapas? Perhaps by saying that I was more than happy to wave goodbye to 2017 for it gave me a couple of the toughest life lessons so far BUT was also a catalyst for massive change and growth for me, for which I have huuuuge gratitude.

PersonalPhilosophy and Lifestyle
Mother Earth Awareness Day

Mother Earth Awareness Day

Mother Earth Awareness DayBy: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 22/04/2018

Big shout going out to Mother Earth, today, on the United Nations Mother Earth Awareness Day Where to start...? There are so many things to discuss!

Philosophy and Lifestyle
Are you in "The Zone"? Save yourself, get out!

Are you in "The Zone"? Save yourself, get out!

Are you in "The Zone"? Save yourself, get out!By: Lee-ann Cordingley
Published on: 16/04/2018

Sthira Sukhamasanam, as per the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, ‘a pose of comfort and ease’. Don't get me wrong, I believe comfort is a lovely thing, but Comfort Zone? They say life begins just outside of this place, it keeps us on the edge of our seat and appreciating things in a different kind of way.

Philosophy and Lifestyle